45000 free-backlinks

Submit Your Website For Free. Enter your website URL, keywords, choose pages limit and click submit button to start our free backlinks generator tool which boosts backlinks. Our backlinks builder tool specifically designed to generate upto 2500 backlinks. You can choose the pages limit less than 2500 if you want our free backlinks generator and booster tool builds less than 2500 backlinks. Website Url : Ex.http://www.YourDomain.com Keywords : Ex.(A,B,C) Pages Limit : 10 Submission 12 Ways to Get Free Backlinks for Your Business 1. Analyze Your Current Backlink Profile (The �Second Serving� Technique) Is your website brand new? If so, you’ll need to move on to the next technique. After a matter of months (or faster if you’re actively marketing it), your website will start to attract free backlinks. To build your confidence, let�s start with getting you more of the same. In the screenshot below, I analyzed cospot.com�s backlinks using Monitor Backlinks. (Grab a 30-day trial here to analyze your own backlink profile for free!) free-backlinks Right away, I noticed that the website has already earned a number of backlinks from authoritative websites. Look at the Date column to see when the backlink came out. If it was a couple of months ago or longer,�you could quite reasonably ask for another backlink�another serving of SEO juice, if you will. There are two ways to request this free backlink. If you have a relationship with someone at the website, send an email to them thanking them for the past backlink and suggesting a new backlink. Outreach consultant Kai Davis recommends keeping initial messages like this short�aim for a maximum of 150 words. The outreach message should primarily focus on the recipient rather than you. If you don�t have a relationship with a specific person, you can still follow the outreach process, but it’ll take more effort and probably has a lower chance of success. I recommend taking about 10 minutes to reach a specific individual who has published on the website (i.e. the website owner, the editor or a regular contributor). 2. Ask Your Friends for Backlinks (the Right Way) free-backlinks Building on the same theme, let�s go back to your network to request more free backlinks. However, this method only works if you do it the right way. The Wrong Way:�Asking for backlinks from irrelevant websites or from past acquaintances who barely remember you. I once had a past colleague�who hadn�t talked to me in three years�suddenly appear and ask me for advice on applying for a job. I helped him, but I did hesitate for a few minutes. Another wrong way? Asking for backlinks to your homepage instead of a specific resource or product. Specific requests tend to be more compelling. The Right Way:�Add value when asking for a backlink. For example, if your friend loves �Game of Thrones� and your new infographic references House Lannister, then you have a winning combination. Alternatively, connect your request to a goal your friend has. As with the first technique, you’ll send an outreach message (i.e. an email, Facebook message, LinkedIn message, etc) to request the backlink. If you’re sending several of these requests, take your time to get each message right. There�s nothing worse than messing up details. Tip: Use your organizational connections too! Did you graduate from college or university? If so, you can sometimes request free backlinks from the organization�s alumni page. 3. Reach Out to Industry Publications and Websites Everybody wants the New York Times, CNN or Fox to write about them and give them a free backlink. But for 98% of us, we’re not ready for that opportunity. Even if you are ready for it, these large, general interest publications aren’t laser-focused on your niche.�Instead of spending weeks pitching to the Times, you can get better results by researching 3-6 publications more specifically relevant to your industry. You might not be able to get on Forbes or Fortune, but there’s a whole tier of niche industry publications where you can get backlinks. Here’s an example of how to implement this strategy in the project management industry. When I was building up my project management website, I successfully earned free backlinks from over two dozen websites. I used a three-step method: Step 1. Use Google search to find blogs and publications Use searches like this: �project management blogs� �project manager blogs� �project management guest post� �project management magazines� Some of the websites I found a few years ago included�ProjectManagement.com,�ProjectManage.com,�PMTips.net�and�Arras People. Step 2. Visit the websites you find in Step 1 Take a look around the site and if they seem like a good fit, add them to your list of websites to contact. A simple spreadsheet is a good way to keep track of these potential free backlink opportunities. Step 3. Start the outreach process to ask for free backlinks You can either ask for a backlink to a relevant URL on your website or offer to contribute a guest post. I’ve had the best results from contributing high-quality guest blog posts. 4. Repurpose Your Content Creating content is hard work! What if you could create one piece of content and get three different backlinks from it? It�s easy when you use content repurposing. Here’s an example of how to put this into action: 1. You write a popular blog post that attracts backlinks and plenty of traffic. Once you find such a winner, it’s time to pour gas on the flames! 2. Create a related piece of content on a different platform covering the same information as that original blog post. For example, you could create a 2-3 minute YouTube video where you cover the main ideas�just highlight three of the most interesting points and have your speaking notes ready! Or maybe you’re a master of presentations? Create a presentation and post it to SlideShare. 3. Create social media updates pointing back to the YouTube video or SlideShare presentation, and to the original article. Depending on your skills, you can keep using this strategy over and over again to spread your same message. The first time you put content repurposing into action, it may feel tough. But keep at it! 5. Appear as a Guest on Podcasts Speaking for myself, I love to write�however, I recognize that some people prefer to speak. Here�s the good news: You can talk about your website and get high-quality backlinks, by appearing on relevant podcasts. A large number of podcasts are based on interviewing new guests. If the podcast host runs out of people to interview, they’ll be in trouble. You can help by appearing as a guest. To get the best free backlinks from appearing on podcasts, make some preparations up front. You need to find the overlap between these areas: the subject of the podcast and 2-3 topics you’re comfortable speaking about over 20-30 minutes. In brief, here are the steps you need to follow to get free backlinks through podcasts: 1. Create a few highly valuable pieces of content Make sure you have an opt-in page set up to give a gift and gather email leads. 2. Search Google for industry-related podcasts For example, to promote a software program like Monitor Backlinks, I’d search for podcasts that relate to SEO and online marketing. Podcasts like�Search Engine Nerds,�Search Talk Live Search Engine Marketing & SEO Podcast,�Internet Marketing: Insider Tips and Advice for Online Marketing�and�Webcology�would�be a good fit. 3. Listen to one podcast episode with a guest By listening to a podcast episode, you’ll get a feel for the host�s style and the types of questions that are typically asked. As you listen, take a few notes on what you found most valuable about the podcast. 4. Visit the podcast website and look for information on how to become a guest Some podcasts have an �apply to be a podcast guest� page, where you can pitch yourself as a podcast guest. Here’s an example on The Nice Guys on Business Podcast’s website. If there’s no such page on the site, you’ll have to pitch yourself by email. 5. Appear as a guest on the podcast During your appearance, you may have a few opportunities to share links to your site. If you’re saying a URL, it has to be short and simple, such as your domain name. Most podcast listeners won’t listen to (or remember) a 50-character URL! 6. Ask the podcast host to include backlinks to your website in the show notes Most podcasts have a �show notes� blog post for each episode. These posts summarize the podcast episode, provide links to resources mentioned and encourage people to listen. This is a great place to get backlinks. 6. Write High-value Comments on Websites While these backlinks don’t always pass along SEO juice, they help you to build relationships and send higher quality traffic to your website. This approach also helps to build your network and opens the door for guest posts later. For the best results, I recommend using this backlink strategy in combination with other tips in this post. Is it still worthwhile to write blog comments? If you approach it with the goal of building a relationship with the website owner, the answer is yes. Make sure you leave high-value comments�no writing 2-to-3-word meaningless comments like �great post.� free-backlinks Take the time to pick out one or two concepts from the content you found interesting and explain why. Another approach: Ask a question to clarify a point in the content. Where exactly does your backlink come into the picture when you write comments? There are two opportunities. First, many blog comment platforms have a website field you can use when you write a comment. That’s one place where you can earn a free backlink. Here’s an example from�Tim Ferriss’s website (author of “The 4-Hour Workweek” and other books):

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